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Energy for Life:
Root Cause Holistic Healing

Perennial /pə-ˈre-nē-əl/ adjective:
lasting an indefinitely long time; enduring; persistent. Appearing year after year. 

My goal for you: energy for life; increasing not only your lifespan but more importantly,
your health span by getting to your root cause!

Why Integrative Health Coaching?

Truth is, our conventional health care model is not set up for true health & longevity! As a whole, we are not living longer or healthier. Symptom management is not the answer. We need to ask WHY and dig deeper and listen to these symptoms, it's our bodies way of telling us vital information.

We are living in ever-increasing toxin filled environments and we are not taught how to eat well and care for our bodies. Every body is different and given half a chance our bodies are designed to heal themselves.  Through an Integrative, whole-body approach to detoxification, replenishing vital nutrients, light therapy and individualized nutrition & lifestyle recommendations we can begin to dig deeper and find root cause(s) and reverse symptoms to experience energy for life again!

Work One-On-One for individual plans and on-going support. Listening to symptoms and digging deeper to figure out what is preventing your body from feeling energized and alive.

Receive supplement and light therapy recommendations tailored to your individualized needs as well as detoxification, nutrition, and lifestyle support.

Uncover underlying root causes and imbalances preventing you from feeling your best.

Receive your Personalized Wellness Plan and begin your healing journey with on-going support.

Woman smiling

Jodel Hunt

As a wife, mother, business owner, and Minnesota homesteader, I know how demanding life can be. Having the energy and vitality to participate and show up for life is at the core of my being. With God’s hand, my family and I have built our homestead and created a farm-to-table organic lifestyle where I believe food is medicine.  God provides the earth with holistic foods, herbs, and energy for all of us to access to heal ourselves. Putting this all together in the right order for true root cause holistic healing is an amazing journey to watch the body go through.


Through my own health journey, I kept asking WHY? My labs were "normal" and I was not willing to put a band-aid on my symptoms. By digging deeper and through alternative medicine support I was able to find some root causes and slowly and surely heal my body. I did not realize just how unwell I felt until I began healing. Having the energy to do all the things I wish and serve others is truly amazing and I want that for you!  My passion is to ask why, dig deeper, and find the root cause(s) so you can begin your own healing journey and finally feel energized for life again! 

Serving You

Through a detailed health intake, listening to your story and symptoms, Jodel works hard to uncover your root cause(s) and imbalances manifesting these symptoms. She creates an individualized plan including specific detoxification, nutrition, light therapy, lifestyle and scientifically supported supplement recommendations and/or holistic protocols. Jodel works with adults and children both virtually and at Selah Wellness Clinic in Sandstone, MN. She is proud to be one of the few Firefly Light Therapy wellness coaches in the Midwest.

Imbalances and chronic conditions supported:

  • Digestive Issues (parasites, candida, SIBO, bloating, gas, irregularity, leaky gut)

  • Allergies, Sensitivities, and Skin Conditions

  • Weight Loss Resistance

  • Brain and Mood (Brain Fog, Depression, Anxiety, Irritability)

  • Hormones (Sex Hormones, PCOS, Thyroid, Blood Sugar Dysregulation, Adrenal Dysregulation)

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction (Fatigue and Exhaustion)

  • Lyme Disease

  • Breast Implant Illness

  • Mold Illness

  • Heavy Metal Toxicity


Lavender Fields
Lavender Fields
[I would recommend Jodel's Health Coaching to]
"Anyone who is serious about changing their health thru health coaching/nutrition and willing to do the work.”

 - Pamela, MN

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